EVOLVE Academy
Our Autobiology is the journey of evolution – making small changes over time that in the end makes beautiful transformational healing. Every little thing we do, think and feel has an accumulative effect on the wellbeing of the body.
How to use evolve academy
It’s so exciting to bring you the resources provided in EVOLVE an Academy for purposeful living and to have them all in one place. The desire was to have resources available online 24-7 because sometimes you’re up at 3 o’clock in the morning and need answers now, and other times you just want a deeper understanding of a test, a detox modality, or help with a pressing problem. This resource guide is for all of that.
If you are new, and you subscribed to the 90-day Beginning with REVEAL email program, you can gain a deeper understanding of the tips provided in those emails delivered right to your inbox. It’s like having a nutritional counselor keeping you on-track while you get acquainted with how the program works. Go to the 90-Days section below and click on the correlating email to find further reading on those subjects. Skip around if you like, or just take the guided path as the emails are delivered every other day over the course of the first 90 days starting the program.
When you’re ready to take your healing to the next level and guide yourself along that slightly uncomfortable edge between the comfort of doing what you’ve always done, and the discomfort of starting something new, enter the EVOLVE Curriculum Guide section below to see the recommended articles to read according to your test number. Remember to take things slowly, allow 2-weeks between changes to allow for your senses to adjust, and let your intuition guide you based on your interest and how much you want to learn.
How much you know does not determine how well the program works for you, however, the more you know, the more responsible one tends to be and the more accountable for what they do towards their health goals – that’s a true Autobiologist!
The articles are a combination of works Eva Vennari, the creator of EVOLVE has gathered to assist in her healing journey along with core articles from the developer of Nutritional Balancing Science, Dr. Paul Eck. Supplemented with support articles from various other practitioners, including Eva, they’re meant to be absorbed in order as the subjects become relevant, but you can skip around and see everything at your own pace as you wish. Enjoy.
90-Days beginning with REVEAL
Access for all: Start here to read more in-depth on the quick tips delivered to you in 45 emails over 90 days, that are the foundation of REVEAL’s Nutritional Balancing program based on S.E.L.F. principles of Supplement, Energy, Lifestyle, and Food.
Access for all: When you’re new to anything, you want an easy way to look up what things mean. Words we use are in a vernacular that’s commonly used by nutritional counselors, but new to your ears. Let’s change that.