EVOLVE Primary Curriculum
On this page, you’ll find the articles and training provided to get you started on the path to purposeful living that supports an ongoing healing body. Learn about the techniques that help you feel younger, stronger and more able to live the life you want to live. Engage with comments right inside the articles. Learn about the importance of mineral ratios as they apply to you on your hair tests, and read exclusive articles that can only be found here in the Evolve online curriculum.
This page is visible to everyone whos nutritional balancing program is based on a REVEAL hair mineral analysis, and who has purchased an accompanying EVOLVE training package.
evolve framework
Welcome to EVOLVE Framework. Just as your REVEAL hair mineral analysis addresses layers of your metabolism, you’ll explore layers of healing and how best to support it in this section. It’s not about what to think, it’s about how to think. Take control by adopting new frameworks for your healing journey.
Click the tabs below to reveal each framework strategy.
introduction to evolve
Imagine a wheel with 6 spokes meeting in the center. Which one is the first? Which one is the most important? None. They all must work equally with each other to be effective. The same is true for all the parts of EVOLVE Framework. You can step through each section as outlined, or choose your own path. It’s up to you. Come back often and repeat sections for a deeper understanding.
E is for Evolve – It’s never just one thing we do that causes imbalance. It’s the accumulative effect of everything we do that makes a difference.
V is for Voyage – Confucius said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Navigate your healing journey with confidence.
O is for Own Your Health – Encourage development of your intuition to guide you while you explore what it really means to own your health.
L is for Love Yourself – Practicing self-love techniques enhance the healing process by reducing stress… Doing this alone can lengthen life.
V is for Vitality – Discover the natural cycles of the body and gain insight on best practices to guard your energy for the fastest healing.
E is for Elevate – See how beliefs like gratitude, harmony, peace, and trust can propel you on your journey of human development.
There’s no wrong way to get started. Just start.
-Reminder on healing reactions: Healing reactions are a natural and beneficial part of the process. Whatever your health history, you may experience it in the order your body feels the need to repair. The body has it’s own “back burner” of things it knows it needs to repair, just like you know what you need to do but just can’t get to at the end of every day. Some healing reactions can be scary. If you’re not sure what to do, that’s when you contact me. I’m your front line to healing reactions.
Resources: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/retracing.htm
-What to do when sick: Usually when someone is on a nutritional balancing program it’s unusual to become sick with a new cold or infection. That’s because the body is busy with repair. So, it’s also difficult to tell the difference between the two; repair or bug? It’s best to back off of supplements down to your morning dose for about a week to slow down detoxing. Depending on what’s going on there are different modalities that can help. Call in with your symptoms and we’ll adjust your program together.
Resources: http://www.mosesnutrition.com/forms_and_articles/flu-cold-prevention-and-remedy-instructions/
-Meditation: Want a vacation? Meditate. It’s the fastest way to calm the mind and body. If you’ve never tried it before it can be as easy as closing your eyes and taking deep, slow breaths. Many find the Roy Masters meditation method helpful. If focuses energy away from the mind and awareness back into the body. That’s important because when a person doesn’t feel good attention is shifted to the head and that’s a mental imbalance. For every person alive, there is a method of meditation that works best for each.
Resources: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/meditation.htm
More to come on meditation…
-Meditation aids: It won’t be possible to name them all, so I’ll name some that I know of. Maybe when you come across one that resonates with you, try it first for a few times and see how it feels.
Sound healing: (I have a CD ROM)
quiet with focus on breath: details on http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/meditation.htm
sensory deprivation tank: http://justfloat.com/whats-floating/
playing instrument: http://drlwilson.com/Articles/LEVELS.KEELY.htm
sauna: http://drlwilson.com/articles/sauna_therapy.htm
Yoga: http://drlwilson.com/articles/YOGA.HTM
-Detail on enema: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/COFFEE%20ENEMA.HTM
-Detail on amalgams: http://drlwilson.com/articles/MERCURY.htm
-Update to supplement more detail: http://drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/RETEST%20PROGRESS.htm
Update to diet: It’s more important to feel confident that what you’re eating is right for you right now than to ask is this something Eva would approve of. I want to be sure you understand the goal is to reform your thinking so that you can tell what you need to eat, and you know the why’s and when’s. That’s what makes you a more responsible and confident eater. That way when you eat something you know makes you a little bit tired, you won’t feel guilty about it AND wonder why you feel sluggish or bloated after eating it. You’ll KNOW why you’re sluggish and bloated. If you feel guilt, that feeling is on you. LOL Keep it simple, mostly cooked veggies, and 2 protein portions a day. How much protein? It should be about the same mass as the palm of your hand. In other words, if you’re eating a steak, compare the overall circumference and thickness to your hand. No more than that. Eat food whole… the body prefers it. That means the whole egg, not just the whites. If you’re concerned about cholesterol, read this:
-Reminder water between meals: from diet
Reminder supplements with meals: from diet
Attitude of patience: http://drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/SYSTEMS%20HEALING.htm
Make no major decisions when feeling sick: Abraham teaching http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/askitisgiven_chapter_17.php
Cycles of energy and healing: http://drlwilson.com/Articles/CYCLES.htm
Attitudes and affirmations: from Kryon (I need to make a list)
Complimentary modalities: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/REFLEXOLOGY.htm
Physics and healing: from Kryon, “Escape From Self” http://www.kryon.com/cartprodimages/2017%20downloads/download_Boston_17.html
Compassion and laughter heal: from Kryon https://www.kryon.com/Seattle00chanel.html
Toxic relationships: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2da2CQEyy0&t=3817s
Intermediate details on diet, water, supplements: from diet (need to pick out specifics)
Hormone replacement therapy dangers: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/hormone%20therapy.htm
Copper birth control: http://drlwilson.com/articles/CONTRACEPTIVES.HTM
Research and thinking for yourself: http://drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/TRANSFOMRATION.htm
How to think not what to think: http://www.drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/THINK%20CENTERED.htm
What counts as water, really: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/water.htm
Difference between a simple carb and a complex carb. What’s better and why: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/CARBOHYDRATES.htm
Exercise and exhaustion: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/exercise.htm
Circulating Energies: Matt Kahn first 10-30 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R77Di7MLSkE&t=4372s
The power in intent: Kryon https://www.kryon.com/k_chaneldelmar03.html
Why retest and for how long: http://drlwilson.com/Articles/DEVELOPMENT%20STAGES.htm
Subtle energy and the subject of awakening: http://drlwilson.com/Articles/chakras.htm
Dna and affirmations: http://www.kryon.com/cartprodimages/2016%20downloads/download_panel-SLC_16.html
DNA Consciousness: http://www.kryon.com/cartprodimages/2016%20downloads/download_basel-16.html
Sleep and rest. They are different http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/sleep.htm
Reading labels
Ending a guided program to a self-guided program: http://drlwilson.com/Articles/DEVELOPMENT%20STAGES.htm
Awareness of symptom reduction and change: http://drlwilson.com/Articles/7.AWARENESS.htm
Home stretch of program (Adrenal burnout needs 1 more year)- what that means for supplements
Permanent change is only as good as practice: the whole point of teleology
Maintenance with annual check: (have to write this)
Congratulations – plans for ongoing education
Why Chelated minerals http://drlwilson.com/Articles/MINERALS%20FOR%20LIFE.htm
Toxic metals: http://drlwilson.com/articles/TOXIC%20METALS.htm
The art of cooking vegetables http://drlwilson.com/Articles/VEGETABLES.htm
Food combining, cooking for yourself: http://drlwilson.com/Articles/GAS.HTM
Nutrition and mental health: http://drlwilson.com/Articles/MENTAL%20HEALTH.HTM
Anxiety http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/anxiety.htm
Insomnia http://drlwilson.com/Articles/Insomnia183.htm
Depression http://drlwilson.com/Articles/depression.htm
Emotions and behavior: http://drlwilson.com/articles/emotions_and_behavior.htm
How the Program Works
Illness develops in layers. Often, years of physical, biochemical and emotional upsets deplete the body of nutrients, cause the accumulation of toxic metals and in other ways disturb the body. These insults are added to imbalances, deficiencies and toxicity with which almost everyone today is born. Healing is a reversal of this process. This program is concerned with healing these deep imbalances, not simply removing symptoms. Symptom removal often does not address causes.
Healing Reactions
Healing reactions are temporary flare-ups of symptoms that occur as toxic metals, toxic chemicals and infections are eliminated from the body. They cause physical or mental symptoms such as sore throats, colds, rashes, anxiety, fatigue or other usually minor symptoms. These reactions are welcome evidence of healing. If your healing reaction reaches an uncomfortable level, please:
1) stop all supplements,
2) stop infrared saunas (if doing them), or for infections limit them to 15 minutes (these short saunas can be done up to 5 times a day during infection),
3) make sure you are drinking enough water a day and
4) rest as much as possible.
This will handle 90% of most healing reactions, at which time you can start back on the regular program. Please call if any annoying or scary symptoms persist. This includes infections. If you get an infection, such as a cold or flu, please call and we can set you up on an infection program. Antibiotics can be life-saving when absolutely needed, but they have side-effects and cause other problems. Often the infection can be handled with natural remedies and this is preferable. So, again, call if you have any trouble. (Of course, we never recommend against seeing your doctor if you feel it necessary.)
Uncovering and reversing layers of adaptations and compensations, a process we call retracing, or healing reactions, requires time and some persistence but is far more permanent and health-producing than simply stopping your symptoms.
detox Modalities
It does not matter if you have just begun or if you’ve been on this program for more than a year, these detox modalities have been time-tested. Check your Personalized REVEAL Recommendations for where to start. Always ask, “What’s next?” and work into it slowly. Just do your best each day.
Click on the tabs to see detailed instructions for each modality.
Healing is a path and a strategy, not just a goal. This program always includes 1) lots of rest, 2) proper diet, 3) correct water, 4) lifestyle factors 5) the supplements, 6) detox procedures where appropriate, 7) other stress reduction
In our experience, several supplements are needed to help rebuild your body chemistry. You will find your supplement recommendations on the Recommendations sheet. Take supplements with food. If you are concerned about sensitivity to products or if you are very ill, begin with one dose a day and work up slowly to the full amount of doses over a period of several days to a week or two. With extreme sensitivity, you may need to take one dose every other day to start. Please do not take any supplements or herbs other than those recommended. If there are some you think you must use, ask us about them. Extra supplements can somewhat negate the benefits of this program. Your supplements, except those marked with an asterisk, are from Endo-met Laboratories. We do not recommend substitutes unless you check with us.
Don’t forget to reference your progression chart to help the onboarding process. This is a sample: protocol-30-day-detox-progression
DIET. Listen to the recording for the right eating plan according to your oxidation type:
Slow Oxidizer (or read: the-slow-oxidizer-eating-plan)
Audio PlayerFast Oxidizer (or read: the-fast-oxidizer-eating-plan)
Audio PlayerWe understand that eating healthy food isn’t always easy, but it is very important for you to get you well. Over time you will find that you start to like the taste of all kinds of vegetables and other foods that you may not like right now. But here are some things that can help:
• Have good food choices in the house. Get rid of the junk food so it is not easily accessible.
• Give yourself some healthy choices, so that you can choose what you’d like to eat out of a few healthy options.
• If necessary, disguise the healthy food in things you like. For example, you can chop up some spinach and mix it in a meatball or spaghetti sauce. Or you can make a corn tortilla and cheese quesadilla and hide some finely chopped veggies in the cheese.
• Put things like butter, salt, a little cheese, or even some ranch dressing on vegetables to make them taste better.
The type and amount of water you drink is important. You should drink about 3 quarts of spring or carbon filtered water per day. It’s important to drink more good quality water. You may need to bring water to events out of the house with you. Juices or cola drinks are not substitutes for drinking water and are actually very unhealthy for you. Mild herb tea such as chamomile is fine, however. Spring water is mineralized water that does not contain harmful chemicals in most cases. Water filtered through carbon, or preferably carbon block, is the second-best alternative to obtain mineralized water. Carbon, however, does not remove much fluoride or most toxic metals.
Read more: water-for-health-and-longevity-16-pages
do your best to get 9 or more hours of sleep daily. Napping is excellent, too. Go to bed early, preferably between 8 and 9 PM. This is optimal. It may take time to get used to this, but it is of vital importance. Rest more when tired. Periods of fatigue will occur on this program. Healing requires plenty of energy. The best solution is to simply rest more. Fatigue does not mean you are not doing well. It means your body is rebuilding. If you have trouble sleeping, make sure you are taking the recommended dosage of Paramin. If you are still having trouble, contact me for recommendations.
Schedule of activity. Demanding schedules and/or activities during the week are not recommended because it uses up energy that we prefer to be used for healing. If you are doing exercise, gentle exercise is best. Slow walking for one-half hour several times per week is usually all that is needed. Other acceptable gentle activities are such things as stretching, gentle bicycling, etc. Vigorous exercise is not recommended as it uses up too much energy and can cause other problems. Always stop exercise and other activities before becoming exhausted.
The infrared lamp sauna was first used about 100 years ago. The electric light bulb had just been invented by Thomas Edison. Early units made use of 40 small regular bulbs. It was found to remove toxins faster than the traditional saunas available. However, it is not well known or understood well at all.
The following is an introduction to a large subject. The following is an excerpt from the book, Sauna Therapy, also available on this site. This provides much more depth, more complete plans, protocols, cautions, case histories and much more.
Read more: sauna-therapy-testimonials-and-instructions
The major benefit of the coffee enema, according to Dr. Gerson, is to enhance the elimination of toxins through the liver. Indeed, endoscopic studies confirm that the coffee enema increases bile output.
Read more: coffee-enema
This is strongly recommended for everyone twice daily. This simple procedure balances the acupuncture meridians quickly and easily without the need for advanced knowledge or training. It is grounding, relaxing and extremely effective. Just rub each foot firmly all over, beginning with the toes, for about 5-10 minutes on each foot. Spend more time on any area that is tender or painful. Rub all around the toes and the top of the foot behind the toes, the arch and sides of the heel. Foot treatments are safe and effective, and particularly good for eliminating temporary symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and much more. One can enhance this by purchasing a diagram at a health or book store showing the reflex points on the feet for each body organ. Use this if you wish to focus your treatment on one or another area. Rub the entire foot a little, however, for a balancing treatment.
This simple exercise will help keep your spine loose and in alignment. It can be as
good as some chiropractic, although it is not intended a substitute for excellent chiropractic care.
You can practice deep breathing each day. Lie down or sit up with your spine straight. Breathe in slowly to a count of 4 or more. Then hold for a count of 2 or more, and breathe out slowly to a count of 4 or more. Do this gently for at least 5 -10 minutes each day and more if possible. If you feel light-headed, relax for a few minutes.
Daily Fresh Air and Sunshine. Spend half an hour, if possible, out of doors each day, and when possible, expose your skin, especially the eyes and the chest, to sunlight. Do not use sunglasses or sunscreen during this exposure. Sunshine, in moderation, is most helpful for healing, and it promotes vitamin D production.
Attitudes, Emotions and Mental Training. Positive, uplifting, inspiring thoughts and attitudes contribute greatly to healing. Negative attitudes and feelings such as fears, guilt, anger and cynicism do not assist healing in any way. So do your best to avoid stressful emotions, people and situations. Sometimes this even includes avoiding entertainment that causes a stressful reaction (such as watching a depressing or scary movie). Any stress stimulates your physical stress responses and interferes with healing. Children are often put under a lot of pressure at school from teachers and friends. For parents, any assistance you can give your child to minimize this stress will be very helpful for their healing.
EVOLVE Standard Curriculum
Coming soon
When you’re new to anything, you want an easy way to look up what things mean. Words we use are in a vernacular that’s commonly used by nutritional counselors, but new to your ears. Let’s change that.