Remote Astral Body Scan


Remote and private phone consultation to scan the Astral Body for anything blocking your sovereignty.

This is the Scan only. Once we know what’s off, I’ll offer solutions or make recommendations.


Remote Astral Body Scan


Have you ever felt like Murphy’s Law has outlived it’s welcome and quite possibility there’s something else more nefarious at play? Well, you could be right.

Let’s scan your astral body for interference.

And did you know that when you’ve been hexed, cursed or spelled, you’re probably spiritually blind to it… but you’re still at affect of it.

If you want to know for sure, give me 30 minutes of your time and attention. Over the phone, I’ll be able to tune-in to your astral body and scan for entity attachments, negative energy drains, and explore if you’re in need of a soul retrieval or other spiritual modality. The goal is to be in the know. When you know, you can choose to do something about it. This is step one to regaining your spiritual sovereignty. Don’t let anyone else take your energy and keep it.


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