No More Interference
I offer energetic clearings of people, places and things to RESTORE them to their uncompromised state. Your energetic blueprints are already here. Living life on Earth, though the reason for our existence, corrupts the energy body. Just like your car needs maintenance from regular wear and tear, so does your energetic body.
Restoring your energy and clearing your space is essential for a peaceful and harmonious life. If you’re experiencing unexplained feelings of unease, anxiety, or negativity, it could be the result of negative energy or curses that have been directed toward you.
My RESTORE energy-clearing sessions are designed to identify and remove any negative energies, curses, or hexes that may be affecting you, allowing you to regain control of your life and restore your inner peace. Whether you’ve been the victim of someone else’s negative intentions or simply feel weighed down by the stresses of daily life, my sessions can help you break free and feel lighter and more energized.
As a highly trained energy healer and intuitive, I use a variety of techniques to identify and remove negative energy and blockages from your energy field. From chakra balancing to aura cleansing and beyond, my sessions are tailored to your unique needs, allowing you to experience the full benefits of energy healing.
It’s common for the physical manifestations of a traumatic incident, a curse or spell to look a lot like mineral imbalances or “invisible” and chronic illnesses. The symptoms are literally the SAME.
But my work isn’t just about removing negative energy – it’s also about restoring balance and harmony to your life. I’ll work with you to identify areas where you may be out of alignment, offering guidance and support to help you find your way back to a state of wellness and balance.
With more than two decades of experience and a proven track record of success, I am confident that my RESTORE energy-clearing sessions can help you overcome even the most challenging of obstacles. So if you’re ready to reclaim your power and experience a newfound sense of vitality and joy, book your session today and let’s get started on your journey to healing and restoration.
RESTORE Starter Package Description
RESTORE Starter Package includes a Master session covering yourself and your place of residence. Best for Distorted emotional energy clearing, demonic or elemental possessions, hexes, curses, or spells with an individual. With your place of residence, it’s best to clear up the residue from living in a space while having a hex, curse or spell and make the home your sanctuary.
Sessions are held remotely, over the phone, and they last anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour. Most complete in under an hour.
It’s so rewarding to be able to provide these services. You can’t find people like me in the “Yellow Pages” per se. Thank you for trusting me with your energy crisis. -Eva Vennari

Valerie, North Carolina
An Astral Scan revealed issues with Valerie’s Root chakra, solar plexus, and high heart, with a cloud in the astral field along the left side of her body. It was confirmed, and she was given actions by her spirit team to improve.
Monica, Kansas
Monica sought a reading because she felt something was holding her back. Despite reading Akashic Records, she couldn’t find anything. We performed a Landscape, new Guides, Hexes, Curses, Spells, Ancestral Interference, Human interference, and a soul retrieval. We found interference on her dad’s side and self-sabotaging behaviors. She was introduced to a new guide, a pink feathered dragon, and given homework by the angels to do house clearings and bring in animal work with her cat, Charlie.
Maria came in feeling scattered energy, spiritual warfare for seven years, depression, EMF sensitivity, and a history of abuse. Initial findings revealed messages of self-sabotage patterns. She heard affirmations to help think more empowering thoughts. A new guide came in to help her develop a new way of healing based on boundaries, sexual attachments, and spiritual hygiene. We discovered a soul fracture ready for retrieval, confirmed as a result of a rape incident. A few months later, she reported significant improvement.
Susi, California
Susi, a Reiki III practitioner, noticed patterns of self-sabotage and wanted to be checked for HCS and possessions. An Astral Scan in October 2024 found ancestral interference and a need for soul retrieval.
Lara, experiencing long COVID for the last year, received several messages during an Astral Scan in October 2024. She was advised to return to childhood activities like horseback riding and to stabilize her energy through Qui Gong. Her guides recommended the REVEAL program to support her immune system.
Luz Elena, MX
Luz Elena, a healer, came with corrupt energies leaving her confused and feeling blocked. She specializes in family constellation work. After attending a ceremony in Nepal, she had an attachment placed on her. We removed the bindings and attachments, released ancestral interference, and performed a soul retrieval. She reported immediate relief and a positive change in her self-worth and relationships.
How do you know if you need RESTORE?
Consider RESTORE for any of the following situations:
- If you have been casting spells
- You know you were hexed or cursed
- You’ve used plant medicine with or without Shamanic guidance
- Have phantom pains and unexplainable chronic fatigue
- Are sensitive to etheric beings including sensing Earth-bound spirits
- Have been in a relationship, romantic or otherwise, with someone who has had exposure to any of the above
Common results with RESTORE
Clearing HEXES, CURSES and ATTACHMENTS is the first step towards empowerment. This action relieves you from their power which acts as an energy drain, depleting your precious life-force energy. The effects can be long-lasting, even contributing or being the root cause of chronic illness.
Cutting cords can help, but are often just a temporary fix. Common solutions most people try also include grounding, meditation, smudging, soul retrieval, protection salts, ancestral Constellation sessions, holy water, drugs, alcohol, medications and more.
Often, I’m told, “I already had a soul retrieval and it didn’t work.” That’s a sign for me to know there’s something else keeping the retrieval from completing. We find that out together in session. Again, these modalities can provide temporary relief, if any at all. We need to go deeper.
Once the clearing is complete, and the guided healings applied, your personal plan, if any required, will be provided. This is individual and provided on a case-by-case basis.
Watch this success story:
RESTORE is for you, if you’re having these experiences and you’re having trouble moving past the triggers to calmer waters.
Healings may include but are not limited to using the following spiritual modalities:
- Akashic Record Reading
- Spiritual Landscape Reading
- Angelic clearings
- Object clearing
- Soul Retrieval
- Earth-bound spirit orientation
- Ancestral healing
- chakra re-balancing
- Auric field healing
… and more