Essential Love Live Program


Essential Love is based on the application of Universal Principles and Laws on our relationships to self, becoming aware and learning how to take action in our internal conversations and at the same time be at our best with our highest emotional risk including business and romantic relationships: $750


Over the last couple of years, it’s really become apparent how my conversations with clients have shifted from talking about symptoms becoming a thing of the past to talking about self-love and how that vibration manifests itself in our relationships with others. As a result, I’ve created a new program called REVEAL Essential Love.

Essential Love Concepts is based on the application of Universal Principles and Laws on our relationships to self, becoming aware and learning how to take action in our internal conversations and at the same time be at our best with our highest emotional risk including business and romantic relationships:

  • Stop the patterns of internal conflict and for all, easing anxiety, worry, and fear
  • Be confident about who you are, what you want, and where you’re going in life
  • Have integrity-driven communication – being honest with yourself and communicating it to others
  • No manipulations – No tactics to “get” your way – No changing or hiding who you are so you feel at home, at peace.

As a result of working through your PVT’s (Preferences, Values, and Trajectory) and learning the 3 Phases of Relationship, everything can start to make sense around how to deal with and clear Core Wounds, what Life Lessons you might be learning, and how to deal with Karmic situations. Many people I get the chance to speak to have heard of these terms, and often are using one them in life as a one-size-fits-all solution. They each have their own value and application. I find my clients are all highly intelligent and know a lot about a lot of things. That’s me too. I love knowing something, but I love putting it to excellent use even more. I’ll help you stop using the metaphorical hammer when maybe it’s better to use a wrench. Even if you’ve never heard of any of these esoteric terms, there’s no better time to learn. Stop living by default and start living on purpose. I make it simple, well worth your time, and investment.


It’s delivered Online in 6 small-group, coaching calls: Live attendance at 10 am Pacific Time and recorded for later review. Must commit to attending live. The template is simple: learn, apply, troubleshoot, reflect. We’ll do this together so you know your pitfalls, and how to turn them into your advantage for the greatest possible emotional fulfillment.


Katie Kay, “When Eva told me about her offering this workshop, I thought to myself, well I don’t need it. I’m not looking for a partner, however, after going through the workshop, I learned so much more about myself that I now have more confidence that there’s a possibility of enjoying a relationship because she brought new light into the enjoyment of an authentic partnership. I am now freer from old patterns. I knew I had old patterns of relationship and now I feel even more free to discover a new authentic relationship.”

Michelle K “As a result of working with Eva, I’ve noticed I feel more equipped about being more mindful about the relationships I put myself into and that’s allowed me to alter my mindset, stop and ponder and think ahead instead of moving through life in autopilot.”

Jeanette C. “Love with your everything is how it started. How to be authentic with who and what you are. It unveiled and revealed I had belief systems that worked against me. It was fascinating for me to hear how you evolved into the depth of it. My interest in it deepened. The conversations increased the recognition of how deep this could go… How to be authentic in my life and set an intention for my partner, if that’s what I want. The whole fabulous development about masculine vs feminine regardless of the sex of the body we’re in… I was unaware of how there’s yin/yang no matter what throughout the universe and how that was playing out in my life. I feel much more confident about my relationships of every kind now.”
