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Love is a Need
Love is a need I was asked to Define love as a closing to a great interview. If the host had started with that question we would have had time to unpack my answer. I said, “Love is a need.” Here’s why. What love is not Let’s start with what it’s not. Love is […]
the circus of wellness: natural timing vs miracles
Welcome to the circus of wellness Natural timing vs miracles Hey there, health adventurers! Welcome to the circus of wellness, where we juggle between natural healing timing and the occasional miracle drop-ins. Picture this: You’re the star of the show, the big top tent is your body, and the clowns are your symptoms. Now, let’s […]
I Don’t Feel Good
I Don’t Feel Good; I Want Answers! Making Sense of What Seems Unrelated Guest Blog: Eva Vennari for April Tribe Giauque Owning Your Beauty by Eva Vennari You know you are feeling off, sick, or out of it. What is happening to your body to your mind? What is going on? My friend Eva Vennari […]
7 Myths About Burnout, the New Epidemic
7 Myths About Burnout Adrenal burnout can take up to 5 years to reverse, and that’s not a myth! In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common for people to feel stressed and overwhelmed with their daily responsibilities. While stress is a normal part of life, it can become chronic and lead to burnout. Burnout is a […]
Reduce Toxins in Beauty Products with these 7 steps
Reduce toxins in beauty products The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that has been thriving for decades. While makeup and skincare products are meant to enhance our beauty, many toxins in beauty products could be harmful to our health. With a vast array of makeup products available in the market, it can be overwhelming […]
Can Tarot Cards Ruin Your Life?
Can Tarot Cards Ruin Your Life? Tarot cards have long been a source of mystery and fascination. They are used by many people as a tool for self-discovery, guidance, and personal growth. However, there are also those who believe that can tarot cards ruin your life and be dangerous or even ruinous. In this article, […]
Meet Fake Meat
Meet Fake Meat 3 ways to pick the best protein Women exposed to high levels of estrogen are at greater risk for breast cancer according to the National Cancer Institute. Why Fake Meat; What kind of issue is this? Eating fake meat is not good for humans and most of us do need meat protein […]
10 Foods to Control Sugar Cravings Fast
Control or Be Controlled by Sugar Cravings 10 FOODS TO HAVE ON HAND DURING SUGAR CRAVINGS There’s the recommended 6oz of carrot juice for sugar cravings, but that’s to drink on an empty stomach. WHEN A CRAVING HITS So, what do you eat when you’ve already had a meal recently, have been struck by sugar […]
Understand The Types of Psychic Abilities with confidence
8 types of psychic abilities In the New Age swirl of misconceptions, misunderstandings, and general confusion… Understand the Types of Psychic Abilities – Most people have no idea how to differentiate between different types of psychic abilities when it comes to parapsychology and psychic activity. …Wait a minute, you say, I had no idea there […]
10 Natural Ways to Support Your Immune System Against the Coronavirus… and Any Other Virus
Support Your Immune System Introduction UPDATED 8/30/2020 By Dr. Heather Kneale and Eva Vennari An outbreak of the new coronavirus (transmitted from animal to human-like the Bird and Swine Flus) was identified in December 2019 in China. Designated 2019-nCoV, the virus was declared a public health emergency by the WHO (World Health Organization) on January […]
15 Toxins in Makeup Products Are Making You Sick
What makeup products are making you sick? Even though the brand you use has words like “all-natural” and “organic” on its bottle, the product can be loaded with chemicals, parabens, phthalates, nitrosamines, lead, and other harmful ingredients that are absorbed into your body. I can’t tell you how many times someone has called me asking […]
Adrenal Exhaustion: 21 Signs You Might Be Burned Out
Adrenal Exhaustion AKA: Burnout We know it as “burnout”, but it’s more than likely to be adrenal exhaustion and it can occur in varying degrees of severity. When burnout is severe, its effects are devastating for the individual and often for family and close associates. The main complaint you’ll feel that initially identifies burnout is […]
4 Myths About Exercise: Essential Knowledge
Myths About Exercise It’s essential to move the body, yes. It’s even more essential to consider a healthy framework. Let’s talk myths about exercise. Moving your body is essential, but you should do it within a healthy framework. You might remember gym class or having a personal trainer, and the shouts of coaches trying to […]
Reasons for Retesting – Dispelling 7 Myths
Reasons for Retesting Dispelling 7 Myths Retesting is the only way to know, at a deep level, if your recommendations are still appropriate. Only a retest will REVEAL what changes are needed. How often? Retest every 4 months. (no longer than 6 for slow oxidizers) How many? That depends on your starting point. How out […]
The Difference Between Hoping and Knowing
I Just Knew… …there was a way for my body to heal itself. It didn’t seem intuitive to think that only doctors could tell me IF something was wrong and then provide a chemical solution that didn’t align with nature. I came to believe that the body was designed perfectly to rejuvenate if I were […]
Drinking Alkaline Water For Health
It’s not about the alkalinity of the body. It’s about the pH balance. First thing’s first: what is so important about obtaining a pH balance in the body? The pH balance of the body is very important. Being out of balance in either direction can be deadly, no joke. It predisposes you to many metabolic imbalances and […]
How Holistic Healthcare Progress Is Different Than Prescriptions
How To Measure Holistic Healthcare Progress You will probably have a lot of moving parts when you first embark on a holistic healthcare program like nutritional balancing. Many people want to know when they will start to feel like they’re making progress while on the REVEAL Program. The question is one that comes naturally. It’s what […]
Detox Help – Getting to the Root of the Problem
Great Interview on Arlene Battishill’s PODCAST: What’s Your Next Move Detox Help: Getting to the Root of the Problem, literally Click Play to listen to Detox Help through Hair Mineral Analysis – REVEAL what your body needs. or Click through to the link below to see other episodes. If you like what you hear, subscribe. Interview with […]
Have More Energy
7 clear signs you’re ignoring the chronic fatigue that leaves you hoping the next cup of coffee will give you more energy than the last. I find myself working with a lot of busy, professional women. No matter if they’re working at a corporation or from out of the house building their empire as an […]
Introduction to Nutritional Balancing
You've received the first of a series of emails to help guide you through the process of starting a nutritional balancing program. Letter 1: Every few days during your first 90 days on the program you'll learn something in one of the four categories of S.E.L.F. Supplement Environment and Energy Lifestyle Food as Fuel Nutritional balancing [...]
7 Tips to Help Soothe Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
7 Tips to Help Soothe Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Soothe Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – A foundation Soothe multiple sclerosis with a holistic approach that addresses the possible contributing factors to the disease. While medical professionals have not identified a single cause of MS, we have found through our experience in mineral balancing that certain toxic metals, […]
Teach Your Children These 5 Life Skills for Success
Teach Your Children These 5 Life Skills for Success Life Skills for Success starts with you In today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to equip our children with the necessary life skills for success. These skills go beyond the traditional academic curriculum and encompass practical abilities that will help them navigate various situations in life. From […]
How to Stop the Clearing Cycle
Stop the Clearing Cycle Spiritually-lead healing does not have to be never-ending Call it what you like: the esoteric world, new age, or anything that sounds like woo woo, is sometimes hard for people who are not in that arena to acknowledge, give credence to, or think it’s worth discussing. This article is not for […]
4 Reasons Why Testing Hair Is Ideal For Simplifying Detox.
Hair provides a unique cellular reading of the mineral levels. Cells are the major site of metabolic activity. Typical tests such as blood and urine (while often testing for the presence or absence of cells) rarely analyze the cells themselves. Blood tests are excellent but do not provide the same information given by hair analysis […]
3 Reasons Why Just Eating Healthy Keeps Us Sick (and what to do about it)
The journey back to a healthier you could take several months to a few years and maybe longer depending on how many unresolved illnesses your body has yet to heal. Here are 3 ways the body becomes sick and why when we just eat in a way we perceive to be “healthy” keeps us sick. […]
11 Ways Hair Mineral Testing Helps Take the Guess-Work Out Of Alternative Medicine Healing
Come see what’s so different about Nutritional Balancing and what effects its simple approach can have on one’s health. Others are coming to believe it to be one of the most advanced types of healing programs available. It’s a unique approach for detecting nutritional imbalances and correcting body chemistry, it is highly accurate and powerful […]
Holistic, Or Just Natural?
You decide, “Holistic is the way to go for me.” You’re doing all the research, filling your hungry and curious mind with the latest technology, and becoming an expert in whatever you feel will help you. But, are you truly using holistic practices? I run into so many people who tell me they are looking […]
You – NOT the Doctor(s) – Are Responsible For Your Own Health
I’m remembering all the moments in over-airconditioned doctor offices waiting to be seen while wearing one of those flimsy robes. There were so many different doctors from the orthopedic to the endocrinologist, all my experiences were similar. “I know something isn’t right. I feel old. I’m in pain. What’s wrong with me?” I’d ask. The most common […]
Can You Treat Serious Mental Illness Without Drugs?
I used to lay in bed at night listening to the pounding, screaming and fighting amongst the children of my upstairs neighbors. This wasn’t the typical stuff about who ate my last cookie. This was a nightmare of violence for which I called the police more than once. It kept me up for most of the […]
16 Reasons to Start Using a Near Infrared Sauna
Near Infrared Sauna – Best Detox Sauna therapy is one of the best ways to remove toxic metals, toxic chemicals, chronic infections and other blockages in the body. Infrared sauna therapy, in particular, is highly effective for detoxification. Benefits of using a near infrared sauna: -Heavy metal detox -Chemical detox -Hasten the death of Viruses […]
14 Ways To Get Calcium Dairy-Free
The body really does prefer whole foods vs supplements. It knows how to process real foods better, and absorbs more efficiently in general. If you’re looking for calcium-rich foods but don’t want the food allergies that come from casein in cow’s milk or the fat content that can cause unwanted weight gain, then this is the article […]
Does Gluten Cause Migraine Headaches?
There was a terrific discussion I joined about gluten and the effects of eating it… could it be the cause of migraine headaches? The moderator posed the following question, “Ideas about a potential connection between gluten and migraine are often trumpeted by the popular media, often with little evidence. People with celiac disease often report […]
Start a Nutritional Balancing Meal Plan Based on Your Hair Test Results
Starting the REVEAL eating plan means creating a diet budget that will help you offset your grocery bill so you can afford healthy food and supplements. If this isn’t done in the beginning and you simply start adding to your grocery and supplement bill without making the necessary changes this can prove costly. You’re here […]